Hacking ? DO you know what this is or how to do it ????
? NO ! Well I will teach you a little bit just to get started the rest is up to you . I love Hacking , becouse it is so easy and so many people are stupid to the fact that there are thousands of us out there waiting , sniffing , probing , scanning , tracing and cracking .
Hackers are the backbone of the internet, They are the administrators , telephone operators , software designers , OEMs and even cable guys, that help you and I with our everyday problems and we use there knowledge and or products every day. You would be surprised .
A real hacker does not call his or herself a hacker . When other people call you a hacker then your A hacker. Achievments in the Hacker comunity will land you the title of a hacker .
Some people confuse the hacker with the cracker. This is a big mistake . A cracker is someone who ( in my opinion ) breaks things or break into things . Cracking passwords can be hard and sometimes almost impossible , the day of brute forceing is almost over . Most admins set a limit on incorrect password attempts to 5 or 10 or what ever . So Please do not make the assumption that a cracker is stupid becouse most are far from that , and closer to the genius level .
Well that kinda barely explains nothing , so here is a better explanation of a hacker and his tools and tricks and some true facts
What is hacking?
According to popular belief the term hacker and hacking was founded at MIT it comes from the root of a hack writer, someone who keeps "hacking" at the typewriter until he finishes the story. A computer hacker would be hacking at the keyboard or password works.
What you need:
To hack you need a computer equipped with a modem (a device that lets you transmit data over phone lines) which should cost you from $100 to $1200.
How do you hack?
Hacking requires two things:
1.The phone number.
2.Answer to identity elements.
How do you find the phone number?
There are three basic ways to find a computers phone number:
3.Inside info
What is scanning?
Scanning is the process of having a computer search for a carrier tone. For example, the computer would start at (800) 111-1111 and wait for carrier if there is none it will go on to 111-1112 etc. If there is a carrier it will record it for future use and continue looking for more.
What is directory assistance?
This way can only be used if you know where your target computer is. For this
example say it is in menlo park, CA and the company name is Sri.
1.Dial 411 (or 415-555-1212)
2.Say "Menlo park"
3.Say "Sri"
4.Write down number
5.Ask if there are any more numbers
6.If so write them down.
7.Hang up on operator
8.Dial all numbers you were given
9.Listen for carrier tone
10.If you hear carrier tone write down number, call it on your modem and your set to hack!
This is old school hacking ! Phreaking is the root of hacking and cracking , in my opinion .
I mastered the phone system years ago . I think that is what got me started into cracking and later hacking . Wait .......there is more lots more.
Basics to know before doing anything, essential to your continuing career as one of the elite in the country... This article, "The introduction to the world of hacking." is meant to help you by telling you how not to get caught, what not to do on a computer system, what type of equipment should I know about now, and just a little on the history, past present future, of the hacker.
Welcome to the world of hacking! We, the people who live outside of the normal rules, and have been scorned and even arrested by those from the 'civilized world', are becoming scarcer every day. This is due to the greater fear of what a good hacker (skill wise, no moral judgments here) can do nowadays, thus causing anti- hacker sentiment in the masses. Also, few hackers seem to actually know about the computer systems they hack, or what equipment they will run into on the front end, or what they could do wrong on a system to alert the 'higher' authorities who monitor the system. This article is intended to tell you about some things not to do, even before you get on the system. I will tell you about the new wave of front end security devices that are beginning to be used on computers. I will attempt to instill in you a second identity, to be brought up at time of great need, to pull you out of trouble. And, by the way, I take no, repeat, no, responsibility for what we say in this and the forthcoming articles.
Enough of the bullshit, on to the fun: after logging on your favorite bbs, you see on the high access board a phone number! It says it's a great system to "fuck around with!" This may be true, but how many other people are going to call the same number? So: try to avoid calling a number given to the public. This is because there are at least every other user calling, and how many other boards will that number spread to? If you call a number far, far away, and you plan on going through an extender or a re-seller, don't keep calling the same access number (I.E. As you would if you had a hacker running), this looks very suspicious and can make life miserable when the phone bill comes in the mail. Most cities have a variety of access numbers and services, so use as many as you can. Never trust a change in the system... The 414's, the assholes, were caught for this reason: when one of them connected to the system, there was nothing good there. The next time, there was a trek game stuck right in their way! They proceeded to play said game for two, say two and a half hours, while telenet was tracing them! Nice job, don't you think? If anything looks suspicious, drop the line immediately!! As in, yesterday!! The point we're trying to get across is: if you use a little common sense, you won't get busted. Let the little kids who aren't smart enough to recognize a trap get busted, it will take the heat off of the real hackers. Now, let's say you get on a computer
system... It looks great, checks out, everything seems fine. OK, now is when it gets more dangerous. You have to know the computer system to know what not to do. Basically, keep away from any command something, copy a new file into the account, or whatever! Always leave the account in the same status you logged in with. Change *nothing*... If it isn't an account with priv's, then don't try any commands that require them! All, yes all, systems are going to be keeping log files of what users are doing, and that will show up. It is just like dropping a trouble-card in an ESS system, after sending that nice operator a pretty tone. Spend no excessive amounts of time on the account in one stretch. Keep your calling to the very late night if possible, or during business hours (believe it or not!). It so happens that there are more users on during business hours, and it is very difficult to read a log file with 60 users doing many commands every minute. Try to avoid systems where everyone knows each other, don't try to bluff. And above all: never act like you own the system, or are the best there is. They always grab the people who's heads swell... There is some very interesting front end equipment around nowadays, but first let's define terms... By front end, we mean any device that you must pass through to get at the real computer. There are devices that are made to defeat hacker programs, and just plain old multiplexers. To defeat hacker programs, there are now devices that pick up the phone and just sit there... This means that your device gets no carrier, thus you think there isn't a computer on the other end. The only way around it is to detect when it was picked up. If it picks up after the same number ring, then you know it is a hacker-defeater. These devices take a multi-digit code to let you into the system. Some are, in fact, quite sophisticated to the point where it will also limit the user name's down, so only one name or set of names can be valid logins after they input the code... Other devices input a number code, and then they dial back a pre-programmed number for that code. These systems are best to leave alone, because they know someone is playing with their phone. You may think "but I'll just reprogram the dial-back." Think again, how stupid that is... Then they have your number, or a test loop if you were just a little smarter. If it's your number, they have your balls (if male...), if its a loop, then you are screwed again, since those loops
are *monitored*. As for multiplexers... What a plexer is supposed to do is this:
The system can accept multiple users. We have to time share, so we'll let the front-end processor do it... Well, this is what a multiplexer does. Usually they will ask for something like "enter class" or "line:". Usually it is programmed for a double digit number, or a four to five letter word. There are usually a few sets of numbers it accepts, but those numbers also set your 300/1200/2400 baud data type. These multiplexers are inconvenient at best, so not to worry. A little about the history of hacking: hacking, by my definition, means a great knowledge of some special area. Doctors and lawyers are hackers of a sort, by this definition. But most often, it is being used in the computer context, and thus we have a definition of "anyone who has a great amount of computer or telecommunications knowledge." You are not a hacker because you have a list of codes... Hacking, by my definition, has then been around only about 25or so years. It started, where else but, MIT and colleges where they had computer science or electrical engineering departments. Hackers have created some of the best computer languages, the most awesome operating systems, and even gone on to make millions. Hacking used to have a good name, when we could honestly say "we know what we are doing". Now it means (in the public eye): the 414's, Ron Austin, the NASA hackers, the arpanet hackers... All the people who have been caught, have done damage, and are now going to have to face fines and sentences. Thus we come past the moralistic crap, and to our purpose: educate the hacker community, return to the days when people actually knew something...
Hacking DEC systems : old school but a must know for all hackers , well the ones that are destined to become true HACKERS
In this article you will learn how to log in to dec's, logging out, and all the fun stuff to do in-between. All of this information is based on a standard dec system. Since there are dec systems 10 and 20, and I favor, the dec 20, there will be more info on them in this article. It just so happens that the dec 20 is also the more common of the two, and is used by much more interesting people (if you know what I mean...) OK, the first thing you want to do when you are receiving carrier from a dec system is to find out the format of login names. You can do this by looking at who is on the system.
Dec=> ` (the 'exec' level prompt)
you=> sy
sy: short for sy(stat) and shows you the system status.
You should see the format of login names. A systat usually comes up in this form:
Job Line Program User
Job: The job number (not important unless you want to log them off later)
Line: What line they are on (used to talk to them...) These are both two or three digit numbers.
Program: What program are they running under? If it says 'exec' they aren't doing anything at all...
User: ahhhahhhh! This is the user name they are logged in under... Copy the format, and hack yourself outa working code... Login format is as such:
dec=> `
you=> login username password
Username is the username in the format you saw above in the systat. After you hit the space after your username, it will stop echoing characters back to your screen. This is the password you are typing in... Remember, people usually use their name, their dog's name, the name of a favorite character in a book, or something like this. A few clever people have it set to a key cluster (qwerty or asdfg). Passwords can be from 1 to 8 characters long, anything after that is ignored. You are finally in... It would be nice to have a little help, wouldn't it? Just type a ? Or the word help, and it will give you a whole list of topics... Some handy characters for you to know would be the control keys, wouldn't it? Backspace on a dec 20 is rub which is 255 on your ASCII chart. On the dec 10 it is control-H. To abort a long listing or a program, control-C works fine. Use Control-O to stop long output to the terminal. This is handy when playing a game, but you don't want to control-C out. Control-T for the time. Control-u will kill the whole line you are typing at the moment. You may accidentally run a program where the only way out is a control-X, so keep that in reserve. Control-s to stop listing, control-Q to continue on both systems. Is your terminal having trouble?? Like, it pauses for no reason, or it doesn't backspace right? This is because both systems support many terminals, and you haven't told it what yours is yet... You are using a VT05 so you need to tell it you are one.
Dec=> `
you=> information terminal
You=> info
(This shows you what your terminal is set up as.)
Dec=>all sorts of shit, then the `
you=> set ter vt05
(This sets your terminal type to VT05.)
Now let's see what is in the account (here after abbreviated acct.) that you have hacked onto. Say:
=> dir
(Short for directory.)
It shows you what the user of the code has save to the disk. There should be a format like this: xxxxx.Oooxxxxx is the file name, from 1 to 20 characters long. Ooo is the file type, one of: exe, txt, dat, bas, cmd and a few others that are system dependant. Exe is a compiled program that can be run (just by typing its name at the `)
Txt is a text file, which you can see by typing:
=>type xxxxx.Txt
Do not try to:
=>type xxxxx.Exe
(This is very bad for your terminal and will tell you absolutely nothing.)
Dat is data they have saved.
Bas is a basic program, you can have it typed out for you.
Cmd is a command type file, a little too complicated to go into here. Try:
=>take xxxxx.Cmd
By the way, there are other users out there who may have files you can use.
(Gee, why else am I here?)
=> dir <*.*> (Dec 20)
=> dir [*,*] (Dec 10)
* is a wildcard, and will allow you to access the files on other accounts if the user has it set for public access. If it isn't set for public access, then you won't see it. To run that program:
dec=> `
you=> username program-name
Username is the directory you saw the file listed under, and file name was what else but the file name? ** You are not alone ** remember, you said (at the very start) sy short for systat, and how we said this showed the other users on the system? Well, you can talk to them, or at least send a message to anyone you see listed in a systat. You can do this by:
dec=> the user list (from your systat)
you=> talkusername (Dec 20)
send username (Dec 10)
Talk allows you and them immediate transmission of whatever you/they type to be sent to the other. Send only allow you one message to be sent, and send, they will send back to you, with talk you can just keep going. By the way, you may be noticing with the talk command that what you type is still acted upon by the parser (control program). To avoid the constant error messages type either:
you=> ;your message
you=> rem your message
the semi-colon tells the parser that what follows is just a comment. Rem is short for 'remark' and ignores you from then on until you type a control-Z or control-C, at which point it puts you back in the exec mode. To break the connection from a talk command type:
you=> break priv's:
If you happen to have privs, you can do all sorts of things. First of all, you have to activate those privs.
You=> enable
This gives you a $ prompt, and allows you to do this: whatever you can do to your own directory you can now do to any other directory. To create a new acct. Using your privs, just type:
=>build username
If username is old, you can edit it, if it is new, you can define it to be whatever you wish. Privacy means nothing to a user with privs. By the way, there are various levels of privs: operator, wheel, cia. Wheel is the most powerful, being that he can log in from anywhere and have his powers. Operators have their power because they are at a special terminal allowing them the privs. Cia is short for 'confidential information access', which allows you a low level amount of privs. Not to worry though, since you can read the system log file, which also has the passwords to all the other accounts.
To de-activate your privs, type:
you=> disable
when you have played your greedy heart out, you can finally leave the
system with the command:
This logs the job you are using off the system (there may be varients of this such as kjob, or killjob.)
There will be more to come in the near future try to practice what you have learned . Please do me a favor and dont get yourself plastered on the front page of a news paper or something ,
thats not what I want , I want to see more TRUE hackers in the field . The best of the best .
Monday, March 13, 2006
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